As reports Finance Time, referring to the “”, the representatives of Azerbaijani construction companies and concrete producers took part at training about European concrete standard EN 206. The event was organized by Holcim Cement Center.
Current construction dynamics show that the degree of influence and integration of the European companies and agencies in Azerbaijan are on increasing level. As the new projects are developed with the specifications of the European standards, the ingredients of construction materials (including concrete) must meet the requirements of the standard. Existence of gap in knowledge about the EN 206 standard creates difficulties for overall construction process.
The EN 206 defines specifications, performance, production and conformity parameters for specifiers and producers. It is applied to concrete for structures cast in situ, precast structures, and structural precast products for buildings and civil engineering structures.
The participants – members of Holcim Cement Center, were grateful to Holcim (Azerbaijan) experts and trainers for organization of this event.
Holcim operates in more than 70 countries and employs more than 80.000 employees. Holcim is a leading supplier of cement, aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand) and ready mix concrete and asphalt. Since 1999, Holcim is a member of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which share commitment for economic growth, ecological balance and social progress. Holcim initiated Cement Sustainability Initiative (CSI) in 2000, in order to help the cement industry to address the challenges of sustainable development.